Group-Based Exercise

Benefits of Exercise

Exercise has many benefits for those living with neurological conditions. Exercise has the ability to slow the decline in quality of life commonly associated with many conditions. Physically, exercise can assist an individual in improving / maintaining their strength, balance, co-ordination, and resistance to fatigue which transfers across to everyday tasks such as walking and performing household tasks. Exercise also has the capacity to improve an individual’s mood and memory as well as enhancing attention and processing speed when performing tasks. 

Exercise is an important component in the prevention/management of many other health conditions. These include, heart/cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, and obesity. 

Generally, to achieve these benefits it is recommended that individuals perform 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week e.g., walking, low intensity cycling, dancing, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity e.g., running, swimming, vigorous cycling. It is recommended that individuals also perform strength-based exercise working all their major muscles at least twice per week. These activities can include weight/ resistance training, gardening (digging/ shovelling), Pilates, and more. 

Groups we offer

Low-Moderate Parkinson’s Group: A condition specific group consisting of gentle exercises / activities which contribute to helping individuals live well with Parkinson’s. This group also provides members with the opportunity to discuss their concerns and experiences with others, and provide peer-support. Educational sessions surrounding Parkinson’s related topics are also provided throughout.

Table Tennis: An open session which provides those living with neurological conditions and carers with the opportunity to play friendly games of Table Tennis against others. This session also provides attendees with the opportunity to socialise with other group members when not playing. 

Neuro Exercise: A moderate-high intensity exercise group which adopts a circuit-like approach, providing participants with multiple exercise options throughout to allow all attendees to work towards their desired goals. 

Open gym: The open gym provides individuals with the opportunity to complete their personally designed exercise programme under the supervision of INS staff, using specialised equipment within a gym environment. All personal exercise programmes are designed by either a Physiotherapist or Exercise Professional, tailored to meet the goals of the individual, with adjustments made as required.

Seated group: An exercise / activity group for those who require predominantly seated activities, with opportunities to stand using specialist equipment and close supervision provided within the session if appropriate. 

MS Group: A group specifically for those living with Multiple Sclerosis which consists of gentle exercises / activities to help manage associated symptoms. This group also provides members with a social opportunity to discuss their concerns and experiences with others and provide peer-support. MS related educational sessions are also provided within this group.  

High-Moderate Parkinson’s Group: A group consisting of moderate-high intensity exercise / activities which aim to target symptoms associated with Parkinson’s. Group members have the opportunity to discuss all things Parkinson’s related and provide peer support to fellow group members. Educational sessions around Parkinson’s related issues are also provided within this group. 

Sport and Exercise: An opportunity for clients to participate in a structured exercise group set up in a circuit, which includes differentiated exercises to allow all participants to perform. Adapted sporting activities are also provided for participants to perform during this session. 

Additional groups: At various instances throughout the year, we offer specialist exercise courses for service users to undertake, usually delivered for an 8-week period. These specialist exercise groups are adapted to meet the needs of all participants. Other groups have included:

  • Move into Wellbeing – a dance-based exercise group, incorporating various forms of dance. 

  • Dru Yoga – a graceful form of yoga, based on soft flowing movements.

  • Tai chi – a group which focuses on gentle exercises which replicates movements performed in martial arts. 

  • Pilates – low-impact exercise which strengthens muscles, improves posture and flexibility. 

  • Nordic walking – a gentle whole-body method of exercise which utilises specialist poles to improve walking and posture.

For any other queries about our services, please contact us by emailing or phone 020 8755 4000


